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Waiting for the ideal person to arrive and offer support to those under your care can be incredibly frustrating and can leave you feeling exhausted.


Our goal is to give support providers the knowledge and language they need to help individuals grow expressively, creatively, and communicatively. We want to equip them with the skills to promote personal development and effectively communicate these nuances to both the people they support and their colleagues.

That is why Language For Listening exists.

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Language For Listening training and workshops prioritize four key subject areas, empowering support providers to comprehend diverse perspectives and tailor growth strategies uniquely to each individual they assist.


By exploring Time, Setting, Communication, then Creativity, our approach reveals how these dimensions impact the human journey of self-discovery and connection. By breaking down and understanding the elements that shape how people interact with each other and the world around them, we help individuals navigate the intricate world of communication, self-expression and creative growth.


We delve into the dimension of Time, aiming to unravel the diverse interpretations of its passage and the expectations it carries.


Consider someone who cannot read a clock—what does the term 'almost' signify in their perception of time?


When tasked with waiting, how does one gauge the anticipated duration with no universal norm?


Our exploration extends to how can we cultivate and exemplify the virtue of patience.



We explore the concept of 'Setting'—the surroundings that shape our experiences, often determining our level of comfort.


Whether amidst the vibrancy of a crowd or seeking solace behind a locked bathroom door, we recognize the significant roles environments play in our personal narratives.


Understanding how settings influence others' ability to find peace, and recognizing the diverse interpretations of spaces, is paramount in ensuring the creation of opportunities for growth.



The realm of human services is rich with intricate relationships and Communication, whether it's a support provider engaging with someone they support or collaborating with a colleague. 


From words to body language, we explore elements that make communication effective, empowering individuals to connect with others more intentionally. 


We look at such ideas as, what the difference is between intention and reception, and what steps we can take to ensure what we wish to communicate is what is understood. 



We focus on Creativity and its role in shaping identity. Celebrating imaginative expression and self-discovery, creativity becomes a tool for personal storytelling. 


Enhancing creativity and cultivating the skill of synthesizing information for personal growth not only boosts an individual's self-assurance but also fortifies the connection between themselves and the world around them.


Creativity empowers individuals not only to recite knowledge but also to actively generate it.


Language For Listening was envisioned and developed by Brian Kavanaugh, a seasoned professional in the realm of disabilities and creativity. Brian's journey began two decades ago as a Direct Support Provider in residential services, and over the years, he has cultivated extensive experience by spearheading the creation of studio art programs and day habilitation initiatives for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). His collaborative efforts with various human services organizations showcase his commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals with IDD. 


As a Fulbright Scholar in Art Education, Brian brings a wealth of knowledge to the forefront. He has conducted workshops and provided training to diverse audiences worldwide, offering valuable insights into the facilitation of expressive and communicative growth for adults with IDD. Brian's expertise, honed through years of hands-on experience and global engagement, underscores the depth and impact of Language For Listening in empowering individuals with disabilities.


Able to suit your needs

Language For Listening offers an unparalleled training experience, spanning from dynamic half-day workshops to comprehensive 10-part curricula. This hands-on immersion program is designed to empower support providers with real-world scenarios. It equips them with the skills to discern a person's motivations and provides imaginative tools to foster their self-expression and facilitate personal growth.

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© 2023 Language For Listening

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